Sunday, April 5, 2009

2009-2010 SAB Board Election Results

The votes are in and the SAB board for the 2009-10 school year has been confirmed:

Co-Chairs: Margot Behrend Valles and Sheila Akbar
Academic Coordinators: Nurettin Ucar and Claire van den Broek
Treasurer: Karen Yang
Social Coordinator: Holly Schreiber
SAB Historian/Blogger: Urszula Paleczek
GPSO Reps: Adrien Pouille, Claire Chen, Ju Young Jin

Faculty Committee Reps:
Grad Affairs: Claire van den Broek
Admissions: Laila Amine
Comparative Arts: Magda Dragu
AI Affairs: Urszula Paleczek
Communications and Development: Ju Young Jin
Translation: Claire Chen

Thanks for voting!